Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hanging out with Chow and Russ.

Recently Chow and Russ came to visit from Texas. It was alot of fun for the kids to spend time with them. We did fun things like put up the Christmas tree, go to temple square, go to both Aaliyah's and Dallins school performance, and just spend time with them. I think Baby charmaine really bonded with Aunty Chow. All the kids really loved having them here. Thanks for coming guys!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Newest Addition!

So Baby Joe has finally graced us with his presence! He arrived Nov. 26th at 845 am weighing 6lbs 11 oz ( the smallest of our babies yet). He was 20 and 1/2 inches long. We are so happy our family is finally complete! He is such a little angel (even when he cries at 3:00 in the morning!) Joseph was an awesome help during it all even when I yelled at him. He had taken some sleeping medications about 3 hours before we needed to go to the hospital and so I ended up driving myself to the hospital! However as soon as the medication wore off he was a wonderful husband holding my hand through everything. Baby Joe is healthy and we will be blessing him Jan 5th.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

So again this is late being put up but i thought it was a good story. Joe took the kids to the state fair this last September and because of work i couldn't go. He took with him a good friend, Jared. On one particular ride Aaliyah got ahead of Joe in line so Jared went to the exit to wait for her. After the ride and all the kids got off Jared could not see Aaliyah. He called Joe on his cell in a panic to tell Joe he couldn't see Aaliyah. Joe immediately started looking for her. After a few minutes Joe was pretty scared so he went to find a police officer, it just so happens that the first police officer Joe finds is the same one Aaliyah went to when she realized she had been separated from her dad! We are so happy our daughter is safe! When we got home Grandma asked Aaliyah how she knew to go to a police officer. She answered Daddy told me. Joe dosn't remember telling her that but none the less we are glad we have a Heavenly Father looking out for our daughter!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

So i am still getting caught up on all of this but here are Aaliyah's pictures for her first day in Kindergarten...... I know I know i am about 2 months plus late on this but oh well! here they are, as you can see little brother Dallin had to get in on the action! She is such a little poser!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

this is all so new to me

i dont know how this really works but hopefully i can figure this out. It seems a good way to keep everyone in touch with how we are doing. We will have to see how things go.....